Anchor not working in Firefox, Crome and Safari?

If your anchor tag is working in IE only and not working in FF, google crome and safari... then use Name in source tag instead of ID . becasue FF(firefox), google crome and safari can understand anchoring by name attribute only. and for "name" attribute you have to use anchore tag.

for example :

<a href="#myanchor">my link </a>
<a name="myanchor">&nbsp;</a>
my text

That's it!!!

now check and your anchoring wil work in all browsers..... :)
to know more about anchoring visit this site :


Anonymous said…
I can't seem to get anchors to work in firefox 4. I've tried using the name method you described but it still doesn't work. I've tried using name, id and both.
Anonymous said…
Very nice to read such "old" posts!

This topic, like the little that you can see, they feel accompanied us at the beginning
Anonymous said…
Another thing I found - FF is case sensitive!

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