Python commands for Mac and Windows

python command notes

Python commands and VS Code Setup

To check Python version enter command 

Python3 – – version

To check with pip version

Pip3 —version

To check diesel version enter the command following

Django-admin —version

Install Django

We can install the Django in two types first we can install in virtual environment second we can install globally. In virtual environment if we install the Django it will not be accessible outside of this environment.

Install Django in Separate Environment

Install virtual environment wrapper

This is used to install virtual environment wrapper.

Pip install virtualenvwrapper-win


(In windows ) pip install virtualenvwrapper 

(in MacOS) pip3 install virtualenvwrapper

Create virtual environment (VE)

This is used to create virtual environment. It will automatically activate environment.

For windows:-

mkvirtualenv envname

For example :-

mkvirtualenv ckesripyvrenv

For my macOS:-

Step 1. 

python3 -m venv envname

For example :- python3 -m venv ckesripyvrenv

Step 2

Source envname/bin/activate

For example :- source ckesripyvrenv/bin/activate

Step 3: If we want  to deactivate virtual env.

deactivate envname

Step4: remove env

rm -r bin include lib lib64 pyvenv.cfg share

Active VE

This is used to activate environment.

workon envname

For example :-

workon ckesripyvrenv

Installed Django in created VE

Pip install django

First activate environment then run the command to install django within active environment. You can also specify version pip install django == 2.0

Django Versions

django-admin —version

Create Project in django

Create Django Project

django-admin startproject projectname


django-admin startproject schoolproject

Run Django Project

First goto the project root directory then run the below command

python runserver

optional command for, if we want to run project on specific port (for example 5555) then use below command

python runserver 5555

Stop Django Project

Press Ctrl+c

Create App in your django Project

To create app in your project, you have to move in your Project’s root directory. Root directory is the place where you application reside.

Create App

Py startapp appname


py startapp studentApp

py startapp teacherApp

py startapp empleyeeApp

Create Model in App

Model is the place where you can define your fields and fields type. Like name, address, isStudent, dob,  etc. 

Where name & address as string, isStudent as Boolean, dob as date field.

Define Classes with Fields details

Open file in studnetApp and following code.

class StudentModel(models.Model):














Run make migrations command

By this command, we are telling Django that you’ve made change to your models and that you’d like the changes to be stored as a migration. 

To run migrations

python makemigrations appname

python makemigrations studentApp

To see migrations:


To see ALTER table command:

python sqlmigrate studnetApp 0001

Create Tables in DB

Run migrate command to execute migration file,

By this command, execute the migration file to create table in database.

python migrate 

Insert Records

Step 1, Start shell

 python shell

Step 2, Import model

>>>from studentApp.models import StudentModel

Step 3, Insert recored



Note: dob format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’

Step 4, new Inserted recored

>>>StudentModel.objects.all() // view summary

>>>StudentModel.objects.all().values() // view all fields with values

Uninstall Virtual environment wrapper

Step 1. Open command prompt

Step 2. Pip uninstall virtualenvwrapper

VS Code Plugin

  1. Django 
  2. Django Snippets
  3. Django Templates
  4. Prettier - Code formatter
  5. Pylance
  6. Python
  7. Python Debugger
  8. Black Formatter
  9. ESLint

VS Code Settings.json


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