Internet Explorer Security Settings on a Web page.

To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this site from showing certain content. Click here for options.

Actually Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 locks down the Local Machine zone in Internet Explorer to help protect your computer from malicious attacks.

To work around this problem, you must force Internet Explorer to open your data access page by using the security settings of the Internet zone. You want to use the settings of the Internet zone instead of the settings of the Local Machine zone even when the data access page is opened on your computer by using the absolute path. To open the data access page by using the security settings of the Internet zone, you must add a "Mark of the Web" comment as a header in the HTML file for your data access page.

To add a "Mark of the Web" comment, follow these steps:
1. Start Microsoft Windows Explorer.
2. Locate the HTML file that corresponds to your data access page.
3. Open the HTML file by using a text editor, such as Notepad.
4. Add the following "Mark of the Web" comment as a header before the tag in your HTML file:

< ! - -
saved from url=(0014)about:internet - - >

Note The "(0014)" value is the string length of your URL.
5. Save the HTML file. Close the HTML file.

Open your data access page in Web Page Preview mode. Notice that your data access page is not blocked, and that your data access page appears correctly.


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