
Showing posts from October, 2024

Python commands for Mac and Windows

  Python commands To check Python version enter command   Python3 – – version To check with pip version Pip3 —version To check diesel version enter the command following Django-admin —version Install Django We can install the Django in two types first we can install in virtual environment second we can install globally. In virtual environment if we install the Django it will not be accessible outside of this environment. Install Django in Separate Environment Install virtual environment wrapper This is used to install virtual environment wrapper. Pip install virtualenvwrapper-win Example:- (In windows ) pip install virtualenvwrapper   (in MacOS) pip3 install virtualenvwrapper Create virtual environment (VE) This is used to create virtual environment. It will automatically activate environment. For windows:- mkvirtualenv envname For example :- mkvirtualenv ckesripyvrenv For my macOS:- Step 1.   python3 -m venv envname For example :- python3 -m venv ckesripyvrenv Step 2 Source envname