
Showing posts from July, 2011

Show color code in ms word document.

Download and install Notepad++ and do the following: Paste your code in the window; Select the programming language from the language menu; Select the text to copy; Right click and select Plugin commands -> Copy Text with Syntax Highlighting; Paste it into MS Word and you are good to go!

Access facebook profile picture publically

If you are looking or want to use your current facebook profile picture in any other location and want to update automatically as you change the profile picture in facebook, you need to access the picture in following url format: Syntax : [your profile id] /picture?type=large For e.g my facebook profile id is "chandresh.kesri" so my image profile will be look like: Large: Small : Normal :

Share any link with custom message on Facebbok

Facebook link sharing allows us to share any type of link with our custom message. use the below code to share your link: < ?php $title=urlencode('Title of Your iFrame Tab'); $url=urlencode(''); $summary=urlencode('Custom message that summarizes what your tab is about, or just a simple message to tell people to check out your tab.'); $image=urlencode(''); ? > < a onClick="'[title]=< ?php echo $title;? >&p[summary]=< ?php echo $summary;? >&p[url]=< ?php echo $url; ? >&&p[images][0]=< ?php echo $image;? >', 'sharer', 'toolbar=0,status=0,width=548,height=325');" target="_parent" href="javascript: void(0)" >Insert text or an image here. < /a >  Not...